Left to right - Sandi Reneberg and Denise Miller. |
Rural Kansas … a small town of 443 people … family
oriented, farming community. The entire school district consists of about
200 students most years - 75 of which attend high school. This sounds like the
ideal place to raise children, right? For the most part, that’s true. Our
children receive a wonderful, individualized education nurtured by a loving
community that cares.
But, there is a downside. In the past 15
years, five students, from our small high school, have lost their lives in car
accidents. Each one affects you … but then it hits far too close to your heart.
In 2013, Riley Reneberg lost his life at the age
of 16, right after the school day ended. Not quite two years later, Courtney
Faith, was traveling to school when her life was cut short. Both were high
school sophomores.
These are the stories Riley and Courtney’s
mothers will replay in their minds forever:
By Sandi
Reneberg (Riley’s mom)
Riley was an outgoing, caring young man. He
had tons of friends and wanted to be a part of everything, hanging out as long
as he could. He happened to be riding around with some friends after school.While folding laundry, I had been reflecting on
the accident that happened 10 years earlier on that day. In a small community,
you know everyone. Thoughts of that boy’s parents had been weighing on my heart
all day. What must they be feeling today?
Riley Reneberg |
School was out early for teacher in-service. I
had tried to reach Riley to ask when to expect him home, but there was no
answer. The phone began to ring. My nephew was on the other end of the
line. He was in town and heard the emergency sirens sound. Word travels fast,
and he heard there was an accident north of town. “Where is Riley?” he asked. As
I hung up the phone and continued to call Riley, again and again, I ran to find
my husband in the shop. At this point, we had no idea what lie in store
for the rest of our lives.
As we headed toward town, the police scanner
blared. There were four people in an accident about a mile from our house. Our
hearts sank as the voice announced, one code yellow, two code reds and one code
black. We knew black meant we had lost yet another teen. All we
could do was pray for all involved and wait.
As we arrived where traffic was blocked near the
accident site, one of our very good friends, a member of the Volunteer Fire
Department, met us in tears. I asked him if it was Riley, and he shook
his head “yes.” Our dear, sweet, boy was the code black … how would we
ever go on without him?
The boys were, for lack of a better term, being
boys. School was out early and they were “playing” the same way they did as children,
but with bigger toys. Speeding through a mud puddle with two in the front of the
pick-up, and two riding in the bed, receiving the muddy splatter. Innocent
country fun … right?
WRONG!!! No one was wearing a seat belt. They
had no idea what risk they were taking as they “horsed-around” in the mud. After
losing control, the pick-up left the road, rolling into a field. The two boys
in the back jumped from the truck. Those in the front didn’t have that
option. With no seat belts, they were at the mercy of the tumbling vehicle.
Both boys were ejected. One sustained massive injuries. Our Riley was instantly
The boy with the least injuries scrambled to locate
a phone and call for help. They all knew what a desperate situation they faced
and were forced to come to grips with the fate of their dear friend.
Not only was our family changed forever, but these
three boys, their families and the community would NEVER be the same.
forward a year and 10 months...
By Denise
Miller (Courtney’s mom):
Courtney Miller |
Nothing prepares you .... for the emptiness felt
when you no longer hold your beautiful, bubbly daughter. The girl who
found the positive ray of sunshine in EVERY situation. The one who made you
laugh until you cried. Courtney was that young lady! EVERYDAY was her
“Best Day Ever!” She had dreams of going to North Central University and
entering the mission field, excited to reach the people of the world with the
Nothing prepares you …for standing at the edge
of a field, held back by rescue workers, as you scream, cry, react. That
realization that comes over you when you comprehend they are doing nothing to
free your precious baby from her vehicle. Because ... there is nothing that can
be done. It’s already too late.
Just moments earlier, I had kissed Courtney and
told her I loved her as I began the seven-mile drive to school, wanting to
arrive early and prepare for the day. She would be following that same course
within half an hour. But before the morning bell had rung, I learned that she
was involved in an auto accident. Not overly anxious about the fender-bender I
expected to reach, I followed a first responder vehicle to the scene. The truck
was not driving fast, so my mind was at ease, pondering cuts, bruises, at worst
a broken bone. I was oblivious to the fact that my worst nightmare was
about to begin. Courtney’s beautiful smile and the sound of her laughter would
be absent both at home and in my class. Our family would NEVER be the same.
What happened? We will never know for sure. Courtney
was a cautious driver. She was in no hurry and had time to visit with her dad
in the kitchen over coffee. She was wearing her seat belt and her cell phone
was tucked away in her back pocket. But, she was a young driver. Did a
deer cross the road causing her to swerve and overcorrect? Was it simply
the washboard condition of the road that she didn’t anticipate even though she
traveled it each morning? WE WILL NEVER KNOW! We live each and
every day with the empty place Courtney has left in our home, and in our
As mentioned earlier, these accidents occurred
within a two-year time frame, and they were on the heels of far too many
In conclusion -
Of the five accidents occurring over a 15-year
timespan, only one occurred after dark!
We make sure our teens buckle up and keep their
phones safely tucked away when we are in the vehicle. But, what do they do when
we’re not there?
Have you looked at the statistics? Have you
talked with your teen, about the dangers they face EVERY TIME they crawl behind
the steering wheel? Or, when they ride with someone else?
Following Courtney’s accident in February 2015,
Jamie and Sandi Reneberg were determined this had to stop! Because of
their resolve and the support of the community, they contacted local law
enforcement to see what could be done. As a result, Thunder Ridge High
School now has the SAFE (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) Program, educating teens
about the dangers they face as young drivers. And at the very first meeting,
Denise Miller, a high school teacher and NHS Advisor, volunteered National
Honor Society students to take the lead. Since that time, seat belt usage
has increased from 74% to 89%.
Do we still have a long way to go? Absolutely!
But if one life is saved, it could be the life of YOUR CHILD. Sandi
and Denise do not want you to tell a similar story!