Monday, February 24, 2014

Fuel trivia: It's a gas!

Forget the groundhog.  One of the most telling signs that warmer weather is on the way is higher gas prices.  Last week, the national average for a gallon of gasoline increased more than 5 cents to $3.36 per gallon.  Most people know that gas prices tend to rise in the summer and decrease in the winter.  But here are few things you may not know.

1. The average American uses 423 gallons of gas per year.

2.  North Dakota ranks first in the motor fuel consumption per capita at 577 gallons.

3.  Kansas ranks 29th at 438 gallons per capita.  Here’s how it compares to neighboring states.

4.   Motor fuel consumption peaked in 2007 in the United States.  The reduction can largely be attributed to increased fuel efficiency in our vehicles.

5. In Kansas, motor fuels taxes make up nearly 50 percent of transportation revenues.

6. The U.S. Energy Information Association is predicting that gas prices will decrease in 2015.  The EIA projects the average price of a regular-grade gasoline will be $3.46 per gallon in 2014 compared to $3.39 in 2015.

Photo credit: Newsweek 

Sources: U.S. Department of Transportation & U.S. Energy Information Association.

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