Monday, August 10, 2015

Motoring Monday: Little House on the Prairie

It all began with a one-room cabin on the Kansas prairie…

As a child, Laura Ingalls Wilder traveled with her family from Wisconsin to settle in Kansas in the 1860s. That began her experiences she later wrote about, which became a well-known television and literature series.

The Little House on the Prairie Museum preserves the historic site of the Ingalls and their time in Kansas from 1869-1871. It is located about 12 miles southwest of Independence.

A reproduction cabin similar to the one the Ingalls lived in was built on the historic property where the well Charles Ingalls hand dug for his family. Although these were not used by the family, the Sunnyside schoolhouse, built in 1871, and the Wayside post office, built in 1885, were moved to the site in 1977 to save them from destruction.

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