Thursday, August 30, 2018
Throwback Thursday: 1953 Kansas State Fair display
It's time for a Throwback Thursday! The Kansas State Fair returns next week. To celebrate, here is a photo from the 1953 Kansas State Fair. At the time of this photo, the Kansas Department of Transportation was known as the Kansas Highway Commission it would be nearly 20 years before KDOT would be renamed in August 1975.
As you can see in this photo many of the signs we use today look very similar to how they looked 65 years ago and this was before the interstate system existed.
KDOT will be returning to the state fair this year. Check our blog next week for a preview!
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Kansas maps provide opportunities for education and exploration
By Tom Hein,
Wichita Metro Public Affairs Manager
Zoe Manderson, co-founder of Alpaca Travel, a travel and
tourism website, wrote, “For some people, maps awaken an insatiable desire to
explore, reminding them that life is a big adventure and there is so much to
The KDOT map website also includes the Kansas Memorial Highways, Bridges and Interchanges map, which shows highways that have been dedicated to the memory of an individual or group, like the Amelia Earhart Memorial Highway. This map also identifies the Submarine Veterans Memorial Highway, Home on the Range Highway, Turkey Wheat Trail Highway, Prairie Parkway, The Road to Oz and the Lewis & Clark Expedition Route.
Wichita Metro Public Affairs Manager
Current State Official State
Transportation Map
Maps are historical references that are both interesting
and informative. Besides the biennial State Transportation Map that is widely
available, KDOT produces specialty maps for traffic counts, bicycles, aviation,
rail, bridges, interchange designs, pavement condition, roadway functional
classification, cities and counties, school districts and more.
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Current Kansas Bicycle Map
A cartophile is someone who appreciates and enjoys looking
at maps. The KDOT website has such a large variety of maps that someone who
enjoys reading them could spend hours traveling through the map list.
For instance, a great map to review is the 1918 Kansas
State Roads map. It charts the Cannonball Highway, Rock Island Highway, the Bee
Line, the Blue Line, the Golden Belt, Midland Trail and the King of Trails.
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Kansas State Roads Map from 1918 |
The KDOT map website also includes the Kansas Memorial Highways, Bridges and Interchanges map, which shows highways that have been dedicated to the memory of an individual or group, like the Amelia Earhart Memorial Highway. This map also identifies the Submarine Veterans Memorial Highway, Home on the Range Highway, Turkey Wheat Trail Highway, Prairie Parkway, The Road to Oz and the Lewis & Clark Expedition Route.
And one of the most interesting maps, available in photo
form at this link,
is the map of trails and historic sites. This map is located at one of our many
rest areas. It pinpoints the geographic center of the 48 states, Castle Rock,
Monument Rocks, Point of Rocks, Pawnee Rock, the George Washington Carver
homestead site, the highest point in Kansas, battle sites, rivers and major
creeks. It also shows the Santa Fe Trail, Oregon Trail, Chisholm Trail, Kiowa
Trail, Great Osage or Black Dog Trail, The Pony Express route, Coronado’s 1541
route and many other historical sites.
Do you want to explore these maps for yourself? Visit to
see the entire list of great maps. Beware: you may lose track of time and you
just might become a cartophile.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Cities to receive $13.7 million for road improvement projects
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Stock photo of a street in Atchinson, which is one of the 27 communities selected through the City Connecting Link Improvement Program. |
Twenty-seven projects that will improve intersections and roads in
Kansas cities have been selected for funding through the Kansas Department of Transportation’s City Connecting Link
Improvement Program (CCLIP), which funds improvements to state highways that
extend through cities.
The cities will receive a combined total of approximately $13.7
million in funding under the CCLIP
for these 27 projects. This total includes $6.6 million in state fiscal year
2020 and $7.1 million in state fiscal year 2021.
Under the CCLIP, a city contributes up to 25 percent of the
project cost based on its population. Cities under 2,500 in population aren’t
required to provide a match. Projects in this program may fall into one of
three different categories including Surface Preservation (SP), Pavement
Restoration (PR) or Geometric Improvement (GI).
SP projects involve maintenance work such as resurfacing and are
funded up to $300,000 per project. PR projects typically involve full-depth
pavement replacement without changes to the overall geometric characteristics
and may also address drainage issues. GI projects address geometric issues such
as adding turn lanes, improving intersections or modifying the lane
configuration to address capacity. The PR and GI categories are funded up to $1
million per project.
For the state fiscal year 2020, the city, category and amount
awarded include:
Surface Preservation
Geometric Improvement $800,000
Smith Center
Pavement Restoration
Geometric Improvement $500,000
For the state fiscal year
2021, the city, category and amount awarded include:
Geometric Improvement $1,000,000
Geometric Improvement $650,000
Geometric Improvement $400,000
Monday, August 27, 2018
Historic Fort Dodge
peaceful park, quiet shaded tree lined walks and dignified buildings of today’s
Fort Dodge are a far cry from the humble beginnings of this historic fort which
has been called one of the most important forts on the western frontier by
Legends of America.
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The Custer House at Fort Dodge. |
east of present day Dodge City, the dry route and the wet route of the Santa Fe
Trail intersected in a low pasture that became a stopping and recovery point
for many wagon trains as they headed to Santa Fe. When the Indians discovered this popular
stopping point, they began to attack unwary travelers in the area, making it an
important point on the trail to protect.
As a result, Major General Grenville M. Dodge ordered the establishment
of Fort Dodge on April 10, 1865.
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The original hospital/pershing barracks is now a clinic/doctor's office. |
no lumber and no hardware, initial construction consisted of crude earth
dugouts on the north bank of the Arkansas River. They built 70 sod dugouts, 10 feet by 12 feet
in circumference and seven feet deep. In
1867, Fort Dodge was relocated and built with stone quarried five to 12 miles
north of the fort. During the next two
years, permanent facilities were built which included two barracks, a hospital,
commanding officer’s quarters and a sutler’s store.
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The warehouse is now used as a library/museum. |
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A drawing of the sutler's story, which is still there. |
the next 15 years life changed dramatically along the Santa Fe Trail. As the
railroad reached Dodge City in 1872, buffalo extinction seemed imminent and the
Indians had been forced into Oklahoma.
Consequently, the U.S. Army abandoned Fort Dodge on April 5, 1882.
1890, Fort Dodge was deeded to the state for use as a Soldiers Home. Today, the Kansas Soldiers Home includes
a library/museum, a modern intensive nursing home, a recreation center, five
residence halls and 60 cottages. Names of the streets and buildings honor great American
presidents and military heroes, including Eisenhower, Nimitz, Sheridan, Garfield, Custer, Lincoln, Dewey and Walt. Veterans of
the Mexican, Civil, Indian, Spanish-American, Philippines, Boxer Rebellion,
World War I, and II, Korean and Vietnam Wars have all been occupants.

Thursday, August 23, 2018
Class is in Session: Pedestrian and bicycle safety
Many students will be walking and biking to school as they
head back to calls this fall. Both are
fun, healthy ways for children to get to school every day, especially when
children understand their responsibilities as pedestrians and bicyclists. Here are some simple tips to keep them safe
as they head out:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Always walk on the sidewalk if one is available; if a child must walk on the street, he or she should face oncoming traffic. Bicyclist should use the sidewalk when appropriate and ride with traffic.
- Cross only at crosswalks and intersections.
- Look left, right, then left again before crossing the street.
- Always walk with a responsible adult or in a group. If bicycling in a group, ride single file.
- Students should practice walking or bicycling the route to school with an adult until they are comfortable with the route.
While walking and bicycling are fun and healthy, pedestrian/bicycle
crashes are on the rise. This is due in
part to distracted drivers, as well as distracted pedestrians and bicyclists. When walking or bicycling it is important for
pedestrians and bicyclists to take responsibility for their safety. That begins with being aware of your
surroundings and ditching the distractions:
- Never walk or ride your bike while texting or talking on the phone.
- If texting, move out of the way of others and stop on the sidewalk.
- Never cross the street while using an electronic device.
- Do not walk or ride your bike with headphones on.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Class is in session: School bus safety
Back to school means back to the bus for thousands of kids across the country and for young riders riding the bus is a much-anticipated rite of passage. Experts say that the bus is the safest way to get to school, however, buses like any other large vehicles, have blind spots.
According to research by the
National Safety Council, most of the children who lose their lives in
bus-related incidents are four to seven years old, and they're walking. They
are hit by the bus, or by a motorist illegally passing a stopped bus. A
few precautions go a long way toward keeping children safe around buses:
- Never pass a bus if it is stopped to load or unload children.
- If the yellow or red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended, traffic must stop.
- The area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them space to safely enter and exit the bus.
- Be alert; children often are unpredictable and they tend to ignore hazards and take risks.
- Stand at least three giant steps back from the curb when the bus is approaching. This allows the driver room to maneuver and plenty of room to see you.
- Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding or exiting.
- Use the handrail when boarding and exiting the bus.
- Stay 10 feet in front of the bus when walking in front of the bus. This will help the bus driver see you.
- Look left, then right, then left again when crossing the street to board or exit the bus.
- Never bend down near the bus or go under the bus to grab something.
- Always stay away from the rear wheels of the bus.

For more information about driving around buses safely check out the Kansas Department of Education's brochure:
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Creative campers participate in the Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day poster contest
Creative kids used crayons, markers and colored pencils to create their safety messages for the Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day poster contest. |
By Deb Gruver
South Central Kansas Public Affairs Manager
Armed with crayons, colored pencils and markers, students at a recent arts camp at CityArts in Wichita dove right in to the poster contest for Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day.
South Central Kansas Public Affairs Manager
Armed with crayons, colored pencils and markers, students at a recent arts camp at CityArts in Wichita dove right in to the poster contest for Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day.
“Miss Deb, does this look good?” was an oft-repeated
question by the smallest kiddos in the group – one of whom made sure everyone
knew she was 6¾, not just 6.
So was “Miss Deb, how do you spell ‘buckle’?”
A camper works on their poster entry. |
Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day is Oct. 10. The annual
campaign seeks to bring awareness to lives lost on roads. About 37,000 people
die in traffic crashes each year across the United States.
Campers said they always use their seat belts and tell their
parents or other caregivers to use theirs. They made a promise to nag their
parents or caregivers about putting their cell phones away.
After a brief lesson on safe driving, the students created
posters showing drivers and passengers safely buckled into their seat belts,
drivers looking intently at signs and lights and cell phones X’d out because
driving while distracted is a huge cause of fatal and other crashes.
A group of campers create posters for the Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day contest. |
The poster contest gives Kansas children ages 5 to 13 the chance to win prizes such as a Kindle Fire tablet, gift cards and movie passes. Judges will select regional winners in three age categories – 5 to 7, 8 to 10 and 11 to 13. Then, they will choose three statewide winners from the 18 regional winners. Each regional winner will receive a bicycle and helmet from the Kansas Turnpike Authority and Safe Kids Kansas. Statewide winners will each receive a Kindle Fire tablet and case from the KTA, a $50 Amazon gift card from the Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association of Kansas, a $50 Walmart gift card and movie passes from AAA Kansas.
Entrants must submit their art on 8.5”-by-11” paper and use
paint, crayons, pencils, pastels and collages. Computer-aided drawings aren’t
Entries must be postmarked by Sept. 21. More details about
how to enter are available at
A video contest is open to Kansas and Kansas City metro
teenagers in eighth through 12th grades. Videos must focus on themes
such as distracted driving, wearing seat belts and texting while driving and be
between six and 60 seconds. Videos are due by midnight Sept. 30. The submission
form is at
Monday, August 20, 2018
Buffalo Bill sculpture and cultural center
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Stop by the Buffalo Bill sculpture near Oakley to kiss the buffalo. |
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Both the cultural center above, as well as the story boards seen below, have lots of things to see to help visitors discover some unique Kansas history. |
A larger than life icon of the
American West has been immortalized in a larger than life statue in northwest
Located just off U.S. 83 near
Oakley, the Buffalo Bill sculpture and accompanying cultural center offer
visitors a look at the life of William F. Cody, better known as “Buffalo Bill.”
According to legend, in 1868
Cody was working in western Kansas as a contract buffalo hunter, mostly feeding
the crews of the Kansas Pacific Railroad. At the same time, a hunter named
William Comstock was also hunting buffalo for the soldiers at Fort Wallace west
of Oakley. Each was being referred to as Buffalo Bill. To determine who the
real Buffalo Bill would be, the men placed a wager and staged a contest in what
is now Logan County to see who could harvest the most buffalo in one day.
William F. Cody won 69 to 46, thus the legend of Buffalo Bill Cody was born.
The commemorative statue was
dedicated in May 2004 and features Buffalo Bill atop his favorite hunting
horse, Brigham, with his 50-caliber needle gun, Lucretia, taking aim at a
buffalo. Created by Kansas artist Charlie Norton, the bronze sculpture is
approximately two times life-sized, standing 16 feet tall and weighting nearly
9,000 pounds. The statue has been voted as one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas Art.
Visitors are encouraged to walk
up the hill to get up close and personal with the statue and even kiss the
buffalo! Be sure to use the #kissthebuffalo hashtag when tweeting and posting
Accompanying story boards and
audio via 1610 AM are also available for visitors to learn more about the life
of Buffalo Bill.
For more information, visit, August 16, 2018
Law Enforcement Cracks Down on Drunk Drivers Through Labor Day
Kansas launches You
drink. You drive. You LOSE. mobilization

than 150 law enforcement agencies across Kansas are joining forces to stop
drunk driving. Extra enforcement coupled with increased media targeting the
perils of drunk driving starts today and runs through Labor Day. Law
enforcement will be looking for and pulling over all motorists who show signs
of impaired driving.
Day weekend is one of the most dangerous times of the year to be on the road.
On average, three people are injured every day in alcohol-related crashes in
Kansas. Nationally in 2016, more than one-third of all fatalities over the
Labor Day weekend involved a drunk driver with a BAC of .08 or greater.
driving is not a victimless crime and is 100 percent preventable,” said Chris
Bortz, Kansas Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Program Manager.
“Impaired drivers cause 20 to 25 percent of all traffic fatalities. We are
driving to zero fatalities in Kansas, and the You drink. You drive. You LOSE.
mobilization is one of the many ways we are working to reduce death and injury
on Kansas roads.”
2017, male drivers accounted for nearly 80 percent of all impaired driving
fatalities and 70 percent of all impaired driving injuries in Kansas.
drivers can face jail time, suspension of their driving privileges, fines and
other costs of up to $10,000. Included in this cost, the offender will be
required to install and pay monthly services fees on an ignition interlock.
Beyond the financial and legal penalties, impaired drivers face the risk of
losing their own lives or taking someone else’s.
and driving never mix,” Bortz said. “If you plan on drinking don’t plan on
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Kansas leads the nation with UAS flight
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The Kansas State University Polytechnic Applied Aviation Research program performs the first UAS beyond line of sight flight. The modified "K-State Aero" was flown with FCC certified radios on board. |
The first beyond the line of sight Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(UAS) flight in Kansas was flown on Monday north of the town of Gypsum in a
joint effort by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and more than 30
university and corporate partners. This was also the second flight in the
nation to take place under the U.S. DOT’s UAS Integration Pilot Program (IPP).
The first flight was scheduled to take place yesterday, however,
with rain and storms predicted, it was conducted on Monday. Weather did allow Tuesday’s flight to also take place at the news conference, and Kansas State
University Polytechnic took the lead on both flights. More flights will
continue this week with AirMap, Pulse Aerospace and Iris Automation.
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UAS technicians use computers to assist with flying the UAS. |
“We’re proud of what we’re doing in Kansas to create new
jobs, improve flight safety and advance agriculture,” said Bob Brock, KDOT
Director of Aviation and UAS. “Our flights mark the beginning of a new
generation of Kansas innovation.”
KDOT was selected in May as one of only 10 organizations in
the nation to lead the UAS IPP, an initiative aimed at shaping the future of
drones. The flights this week, and future flights, will test aircraft
capability and reliability for continued beyond line of sight operations while
collecting data to expand advanced UAS operations nationwide.
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A UAS flies low to the ground during the event. |
Over the next two years, various Kansas IPP team partners
will conduct tests over transmission lines, farms, roads and other
infrastructure well clear of Kansas citizens. This program will also assist the
U.S. DOT and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in shaping new rules to
expand safe UAS integration into the National Airspace System and create new
opportunities for the state and UAS industry.
“Kansas has been a valuable aviation partner for decades and
the launch of the IPP is another opportunity for us to work with all of the
professionals here in Kansas as we take the next steps that will pave the
way toward full integration of unmanned aircraft into the national airspace,”
said Dennis King, FAA Program Manager for Kansas UAS IPP.
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A Close up of one of the UAS that participated in the flights. |
The Kansas IPP team’s partners will focus on integrating UAS
operations into Kansas industries involved in infrastructure inspection and
precision agriculture. Partnerships with the FAA and Kansas IPP team members
will continue to foster expansion of UAS operations for the state and the
More information about the FAA UAS IPP can be found at:
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Class is in session: Back-to-school safety part one
School is back in session for many this month. The inevitable return to classes means that an increase in safety is needed. We will be sharing a few blogs about back to school safety.
With the end of the dog days of summer, family vacations and
summer camps are over and the beginning of another school year is upon us. More
than 50 million children will soon be heading back to school. That means
increased traffic and congestion as kids and parents hurry off to school every
morning. Being prepared and taking a few
extra precautions as a driver can help improve safety.
- Ditch the distractions. Children can be quick — whether it’s crossing the street, darting out to pick up something they’ve dropped or emerging from between parked cars. Drivers need to focus on driving —shut off your cell phone, use the “do not disturb” feature on your mobile device or toss it in the back seat so you’re not tempted to check it.
- Slow down and allow extra time.
- Seat belts save lives. Always remember to buckle up.
- Don't block the crosswalk. This forces pedestrians to go around you and could put them in the path of moving traffic.
- Always stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the crosswalk or intersection.
- Watch for school crossing guards and obey their signals.
- Watch for children in school zones, near playgrounds and parks and in all residential areas.
- Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians.
Share the road with teen drivers.
new school year means newly-licensed teen drivers will be navigating traffic,
drop off areas and parking lots, which can mean a potential for more incidents. According to the National Safety Council,
teen crashes spike in September and happen more commonly in the mornings and
afternoons, when school begins and ends. Drivers need to keep these tips in
- When dropping off your kids at school, be on high alert for new teen drivers.
- Keep in mind that new drivers may not have the skills that come from experience, such as gauging gaps in traffic, reading the general flow of traffic on roads and having situational awareness while driving in congested areas.
- Give teen drivers the space they need as they learn to navigate traffic, drop-off/pick-up procedures and parking lots.
Know your school’s drop-off
- Be familiar with your school’s drop-off procedures and keep the following tips in mind:
- Don't double park; it blocks visibility for other children and vehicles.
- Don't load or unload children across the street from the school.
Share the road with school buses
According to research by the
National Safety Council, most of the children who lose their lives in
bus-related incidents are four to seven years old, and they're walking. They
are hit by the bus, or by a motorist illegally passing a stopped bus. A
few precautions go a long way toward keeping children safe around buses:
- Never pass a bus if it is stopped to load or unload children.
- If the yellow or red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended, traffic must stop.
- The area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them space to safely enter and exit the bus.
- Be alert; children often are unpredictable and they tend to ignore hazards and take risks.
Share the road with bicyclists
Children on bikes may not be able to properly determine
traffic conditions and safety. Use care
when sharing the road with bicyclists.
- When passing a bicyclist, proceed in the same direction slowly, and leave three feet between your car and the bicyclist.
- When turning left with a bicyclist approaching from the opposite direction, wait for the bicyclist to pass.
- If you're turning right and a bicyclist is approaching from behind on the right, let the rider go through the intersection first, then proceed with the turn.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Maxwell Wildlife Refuge
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Numerous buffalo can be seen at the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge. |
In Battlehill township of McPherson County lies a piece of
preserved natural prairie, comprised of rolling hills, creeks, springs and
beautiful prairie grasses and wildflowers.
Maxwell Wildlife Refuge near Canton is home to one of the
few surviving wild buffalo herds. It began in 1859, when a small herd of
buffalo were driven into the area around the Maxwell homestead. The Maxwell
family wanted to preserve a piece of prairie with a roaming herd of buffalo for
future generations.
So in 1943, the Henry Maxwell estate donated 2,560 acres of
land to what is now the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism for
the creation of the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge, which is dedicated to bison and
other species. This unique area, located six miles north of Canton, possesses
one of the finest herds of buffalo in the United States, along with elk and
other wild game.
The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism
maintains herds of American plains bison and elk under as natural conditions as
possible, keeping with the current land-use demands. This helps to ensure that
an important part of our state’s natural heritage will not disappear from this
portion of the Great Plains.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Let's get on the right track: Taking pictures on train tracks is dangerous and against the law
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Taking photos on train tracks is dangerous and illegal. Photo courtesy: Operation Life Saver |
Picture this (pun intended) — it’s time for you or your
loved ones to get professional photos taken. Many people are tempted to have
their photos with train tracks as a background setting. Who wouldn’t be? The
symbolism of train tracks receding into the distance and the optical illusion
that they create can represent so many exciting moments in life. Perhaps a
wedding is on the horizon, or even a new member of the family will arrive soon
or maybe a high school senior just wants to have something that represents
their future.
Whatever the reason, it is important to understand that not
only is it dangerous to take photos on train tracks, it is also illegal.
According to Operation Life Saver’s website, every three
hours a person or vehicle is struck by a train. In 2014, 500 people lost their
lives while trespassing on train tracks.
In Kansas this year, there have been approximately 90 crashes at
railroad crossings.
According to Operation Life Saver, it can take the length of
18 football fields to stop a train. That means trains do not have the ability
to stop quickly to avoid hitting people or vehicles.
As mentioned earlier, train tracks create an optical
illusion. The perspective of the tracks receding into the distance can make it
hard to tell exactly how far a train is away from you. It can be difficult to
know how fast a train is really going.
It is also very unsafe to take photos near the train tracks.
Trains hang over the tracks by at least three feet, and the force and speed
they go by adds to the danger as well.
No tracks should be assumed to be abandoned, and many of
them are considered private property by yards and rights of way — even if you
don’t see a “No Tresspassing” sign.
If you must have train tracks as part of your photography,
reach out to local railroad museums and ask them if they would be willing to
host a photo shoot. Some private railyards may have options as well, but may
require permission before use. Remember, if you do take photos with permission
to always acknowledge that fact if you share them online or with family. People
like to mimic what looks cool, and they could put their lives in danger. See
tracks, think train.
There are many ways you improve safety while taking photos.
Other exciting photo opportunities exist out there if you know where to look.
Here are a few ideas:
- Well-shaded areas in parks: Playground equipment creates a nostalgic and whimsical setting and the photographer can create some really fun images with different angles and perspectives. If you find a park with a foot bridge, it can create a similar effect to train tracks. Some parks have flower gardens, which are great backdrop accessories.
- Rustic buildings: Taking a photo against a brick wall inside may not be terribly exciting. But if you venture to an older part of town and find historical buildings with chipped stone, paint deterioration and even bricks, you may find that the added texture can create a fun element.
- Staircases: Like railroad tracks, staircases can also represent change and new beginnings. Depending on the angle, you can achieve a cool perspective and illusion.
- Museums: Some museums allow visitors to schedule photoshoots on their grounds. Call ahead and ask your favorite museum if that is an option.
- The great outdoors: Be original! Explore the nooks and crannies of the world around you.
For more information about
Operation Life Saver and to find out how you can be safer around train tracks,
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