Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Playing an instrument while driving through a work zone?

“On the Road” is the second video in the series, “In Their Boots,” with Kansas highway workers talking about some careless and dangerous things they have seen motorists doing while driving in work zones.

Some of these activities will shock you. Unfortunately, most of these things don’t shock highway workers. But every once in a while, something will surprise them. Guess what musical instrument a highway worker saw a driver playing while driving through a work zone?

Find out what instrument it was and listen to some basic advice highway workers share on how motorists can improve safety. 

Click HERE for the video.           

To all of you who work alongside the highways, thank you for everything you do to construct and maintain our roadways. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.


  1. Wow, these stories are unbelievable. Thank you for sharing.

  2. These accounts should cause many motorists to pay attention and slow down.

  3. The trumpet anecdote says it all.

  4. Unfortunately, these stories are all too common. Ditching the distractions is critical when driving and especially when in work zones. Slowing down and paying attention can help make the roadway safer for our workers.
