Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Professional truck driver to ‘four wheelers’: Give us room!


My name is Ron and I’m a semi-truck driver from Kansas. I’m 59 years old and have been driving since my mid-20s. I just want to say that the cars and pickup trucks that we
professional drivers refer to as “four wheelers” are being operated by people who at times appear not to care about their health and safety or that of other persons using the highways.

I know there are a few bad semi drivers out there, some of whom have pulled out in front of me going 65 miles per hour – way too close. But people driving cars and pickups do that all the time at intersections. They also tend to cut off semis after passing them going 70-80 mph. They get right in front and then sometimes slow way down, even hitting the brakes. Now why would you pass me at 70 mph and then slow to 5-10 mph?

 Here’s how you “four-wheeler” folks need to behave around me and other semi drivers:

 ·      Stay off my back end and don’t tailgate. I can’t see you.

·         ·      Stay off the phone when driving, especially around semis.

·        ·      Stay off my right side. I can’t see you there, either.

 It’s all about physics, motion, mass and density. I can’t stop 80,000 pounds-plus of truck quickly. Having more tires on the highway doesn’t mean I can brake faster than a regular vehicle. And for the drivers hauling oversized loads it’s even worse. Give us room: 1 second for each 10 feet of vehicle length, and add 1 more second if you’re driving faster than 60 mph.


Ronald Mayes is from Eureka and has been driving semi-trucks for more than 30 years



  1. Thank you for your insight and perspective of operating a commercial motor vehicle. We encourage everyone to share the road and make good decisions behind the wheel. Most passenger vehicle drivers are aware of their blind spots. Now multiply that number several times and you now get the perspective of a commercial motor vehicle driver. Please give them room as they may be delivering that item you ordered or food for your next meal.

  2. Ron: Thanks so much for taking the time to tell it like it is from the perspective of a seasoned professional driver. Those of us who drive four wheeled vehicles should always give semis extra room and stay out the 'no zones.' We appreciate you and all commercial truck drivers who spend grueling hours on the highways transporting food and other goods throughout the country. - Priscilla Petersen

  3. Very good advice. Those big trucks take longer to get going as well as to stop. And since they are bigger, they also have bigger blind spots - motorists need to remember that. Thanks for the reminders.

  4. Great point about the physics. All vehicles take time to slow down but particularly commercial trucks and trains because they are hauling large loads, and the weight makes it challenging to stop or slow down quickly. Add to that the blind spots and the mass difference between a commercial truck and a passenger vehicle. You can see why crashes involving commercial trucks can result in injury or death fairly easily.

  5. Thanks for sharing, Ron. This is a great reminder for drivers about the importance of sharing the road with semis. Safe travels to you!

  6. I was once advised to wait until I could see the top of the semi cab before moving into its lane after I passed it. That way, if I had to suddenly slow or stop for a hazard in the road, there'd be a better chance of not being rear-ended as the driver needs time to slow down such a heavy vehicle. Thanks for watching out for us "four-wheelers"! - Patricia M.

  7. And truckers keep some room between the 4 wheel and you!

  8. Nice Blog, Thanks for sharing, I am waiting for your next blog

  9. As a seasoned truck driver, Ron brings attention to the disregard for safety among some "four-wheeler" drivers on highways. Despite acknowledging a few negligent truckers, he highlights the frequent reckless behavior of car and pickup drivers, jeopardizing lives with abrupt maneuvers and sudden speed changes. Ron's frustration reflects the urgent need for all drivers to prioritize safety and respect for others on the road, emphasizing mutual responsibility for highway safety.
