Thursday, April 18, 2024

So many close calls in work zones


Kansas highway workers tell of the close calls they have experienced in work zones. Sadly, these stories are but a small sampling of the times KDOT workers have had to react to potentially life-threatening situations.

KDOT highway workers and family members included in this video series volunteered to be interviewed by KDOT’s Multimedia Services Division.

The workers want to help the public understand what it’s like to work along the highways, inches from vehicles going 55 mph or more. Their families discuss what it’s like to be in their shoes. What if that was your loved one working along the highway?

Click HERE to watch the safety video.  

To all of you who work alongside the highways, thank you for everything you do to construct and maintain our roadways. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.


  1. These first-person stories of close calls in work zones bring home just how dangerous this work can be. Thank you, KDOT field crews, for your service to Kansas. Please, everyone, be attentive and slow down in work zones. Always!

  2. I appreciate the work that these KDOT workers do, and I'm sorry for the close calls they've experienced. Drivers need to understand that it's not only the workers' lives at stake when they fail to pay attention to work zones. It's the motorists' lives as well. Everyone suffers when a driver doesn't slow down and pay attention.

  3. All too often our highway workers are faced with situations that put them in jeopardy of not returning home to their families. It is everyone's responsibility to drive safely in work zones to ensure that all workers make it home! Slow down in work zones, put distractions away, and you can help to save lives in Kansas.

  4. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories. It baffles me how people can be so apathetic and careless in work zones. You all work so hard to help keep Kansans moving. Thank you for all you do. We need to do better to show our appreciation and work harder to ditch the distractions always, but especially in Work Zones.

  5. I could never imagine trying to work along the highway, inches from traffic. I would be scared all the time. Thank you for your efforts throughout the year. Clearing ice and snow is important too. You all do a wonderful job maintaining the highways for all of us to enjoy.
